Photo by Hernán Sartorio on Unsplash

Keeping the promise of your brand matters to your bottom line. Read on:

A woman struggling with infertility was increasingly dismayed by the service she was receiving at her physician’s office. This particular fertility doctor had been first to market in the area, and as other practices moved in, this doctor’s company seemed to take for granted that their patients would continue to come to them, no matter the quality of their service.

Over time, their promise of compassionate care had become empty. One day, after more than a year of struggling to conceive, and perceiving that her business was indeed being taken for granted, she decided to take the future of her family into her own hands.


She showed up in the waiting room during a peak morning hour and demanded her frozen embryos. She announced that she had done some “comparison shopping,” and was heading to a competing practice. The waiting room fell silent as the front desk went into panic mode.

After the incident, one of the physicians told me that he never imagined that his patients would actually “kick the tires” of other practices. Yet that’s exactly what she did. And she let the world know about it. Social media, anyone?

Excerpted from:

The Power of Promise: How to Win and Keep Customers By Telling the Truth About Your Brand

By Ken Mosesian

Available at