Professional Coaching
Professional coaching can benefit individuals or teams interested in developing or advancing specific skill sets, needing an objective sounding board, or desiring to declutter their minds and regain focus.
We will listen, challenge, and inspire you to be the best you can be, concentrating on the things you want to accomplish. We’ll help you design strategies to achieve your goals, and provide clear and executable action steps following each session.
We coach from a place of generosity, knowing that life is a limited time engagement, and we’ll do everything we can to empower you to visualize and manifest the future you wish to create.
Your coaching is really effective. You’ve created an atmosphere of trust. Pretty much from day one, I have felt a comfort level where I could speak about whatever was occurring; whether it be positive or negative. Obviously positive talk is much easier, but I find it very rare that I feel comfortable talking to someone about the negative. There have been instances where I just talk and talk, not really having an end point or objective to get to. You have been wonderful in being able to translate the jibberish into real life action items to have an endpoint goal to achieve.
I believe you set a good standard in which to model after. You are relaxed and yet confident. Kind and yet I can see that you are very serious about business. It shows me that I can be an effective leader while still being kind, firm and confident. I respond well to the real-life scenarios you use in coaching.
The guidance, correction and suggestions you offered so far have been insightful and quite helpful when I’ve put them into practice. The correction doesn’t feel chastising either.
As hokey as it may sound, I feel your commitment to the session and to me. My experience is that you are invested in my specific development and to the collective development to us as team leads.